Contract -

  • Berthold Merz IT Services, Hirzerweg 62, 12107 Berlin offers availability and booking calendars.
  • Berthold Merz IT Services provides no own accommodation services. Its actions are solely to show availability calendars which are maintained by the landlords.
  • Berthold Merz IT Services is not responsible for any travel arrangements that have been finalized in coordination with §§ 651a ff. BGB.
  • The landlord is solely responsible for the contents of the availability calendars and excempts Berthold Merz IT Services from all claims of third parties.
  • The landlord explained that the contents are free of rights of third parties.
  • Berthold Merz IT Services is entitled to reject or exclude participants of the availability calendar.
  • Disclaimer
    Berthold Merz IT Services is not liable for disorder or disturbance because of intense violence or strike or conveyance disorder in the communication network.

    Links to other websites are offered on this site purely as a service or as reference. For the linked contents those who are the providers of the respective websites are solely responsible. Therefore Berthold Merz IT Services expressly distances itself from the material of all third party internet web sites.

    Although the content of our website has been carefully checked, no guarantee or responsibility is assumed that all information is always complete, correct and up to date. All information can be amended without prior notice, removed or changed. All product names and logos mentioned on this web site, are registered trademarks and property of their respective owners.

    The verdict passed on the 12th May 1998 by the LG Hamburg rules that the inclusion of links also leads to co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. Berthold Merz IT Services has no influence on the design and contents of third party internet web sites. Berthold Merz IT Services therefore expressly distances itself from the material of all third party internet web sites.

  • All links related to were examined by us. However, we have no influence on the design and content of the linked sites. If links are unavailable, or illegal content is shown on calling these links we ask you to write us a message to

  • Infringement of property rights
    If you assume that this site violates any of your rights, please inform us immediately by e-mail, so that correctness can be achieved. Please note: The time to appoint a lawyer for the service provider does not correspond to its real or presumed will.
  • severability clause
    The invalidity of individual stipulations of the agency's conditions does not reflect the invalidity of the entire agency conditions sequence. In place of the invalid or unenforceable assignment will enter such valid and enforceable appointments, that come as close as possible to those pursued by the parties of the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions apply to the case that the agreement turns out to be incomplete.
    § 139 BGB does not apply.
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